
Sustainable Purchasing Policy

Sustainable Purchasing Policy

As part of our sustainable sourcing approach, we expect our suppliers and partners to meet the following criteria:

  • They must have internationally recognized environmental and sustainability ethics/certifications, such as Quality Assurance Management Systems and Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems.
  • They must avoid harmful environmental impacts in their production and supply processes and fully comply with environmental regulations.
  • They should use resources in a manner that does not harm natural life and ecosystems, adhering to fishing bans where applicable.
  • They must manage waste properly and work to minimize waste; in packaging, they should use fewer materials or offer alternatives such as bulk packaging.
  • They should offer products that are environmentally friendly, energy-efficient, local, ethically produced, use recyclable or recycled materials, and are organic, bio, vegan, cruelty-free, and free of harmful chemical compounds.
  • They should be local and regional producers/service providers.
  • They should offer products and services that reflect/promote the cuisine, traditions, and culture of our country and region.

We share this understanding with our suppliers and strive to create efficient purchasing opportunities together. We continuously aim to reduce the environmental impacts resulting from our sourcing processes.